
May 1, 2012

A Peek Inside: An Aqua & Pink Bird-Themed Nursery

I have a handful of projects in the works I'm just itchin' to show you, but they are the works, so today I'm pulling something from my files.

Yes, I've got files, I've got stashes, I've got all kinds of things. 

After my daughter's birdie-themed first birthday party in February, I had lots'o questions about the large bird on her special birthday mantelscape. And, that led to lots'o talk of her nursery. And, so, I've decided to give you an official nursery tour (as opposed to an unofficial nursery tour?). Be warned, this nursery is old. Approximately my daughter's age+nine months.

Ha! Kidding. Of course I didn't finish her nursery the week I discovered her growing in my belly. That would have been nuts. Right?

Oh goodness, if only I blogged back then. I'd have tutorials for days and days. But, alas, when you don't blog, you don't take pictures of yourself doing things like mod podging and cutting and fake-hammering stuff. Because that would be silly.

I can tell you a few things, though. The paint is Behr Valley Mist. The bedding was from an etsy shop called Isla Corinne. The large, hanging birds and the mod-flower window cornice were made by my in-laws and I. I used a projector and traced birds onto MDF and then I free-handed various sized circles and leaves onto another section of MDF. Then, my father-in-law jigsawed it all out. After that, my MIL and I mod-podged paper (mostly from Paper Source) onto the shapes. And, finally, my FIL hung it all up. 

I know, a few staged tutorial pictures would make that a lot easier to follow. 

Hmm....what else can I tell you? Let's see, the chandelier once was brass and hung over a dining room table. Now it's pink. And, hangs in a nursery. 

The mobile consists of a lamp shade, paper birds cut from a cricut, fishing wire and hot glue. Again, staged tutorial pictures would = awesome. 

Okay, I guess that's all there is to it. Feel free to ask me questions. I may actually have the answer! 

(but, no promises)
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  1. Oh this is so charming and elegant! I love the color choices and its so feminine! You did a really fabulous job. I love birds! We did a bird themed room for my little one as well, but we didn't know what we were having so its more natural.

  2. That is an incredible nursery! Really, really awesome!!!

    @ Creatively Living

  3. Such a beautiful room! Your daughter is very lucky! Megan

  4. Love it! Lots of love went into making such a gorgeous room :)

  5. What a lucky little girl you have! She has a lovely room and even has all of these photos to look at years down the road so that she sees how sweetly she was welcomed in to this world. You've done a great job!

  6. Tones of really great ideas! Thanks for sharing. I'm 24 weeks preggos and working on my nursery bit by bit. Such fun!

  7. Emily, this is gorgeous! What a lucky little girl :) Now I will never show pictures of my little girl's room! Ha! How can someone's taste change so drastically in less than 2 years? Seriously, I cringe a little every time I walk in her room. I am thinking about doing a post called, "I hate pink" or the "Pink Protest" or something like that and giving myself a challenge to get rid of all the pink in her room and replace it within 10 days. But it is a bad pink, not a cute pink like you have in your room :) I think after 2 boys, I was just so excited for girl colors that I bought every accessory that has ever been made in pink!! Anyway, LOVE your aqua bird nursery, it is beautiful.

  8. This nursery is insanely gorgeous!! I love the colors and patterns!! The flower cornice and birds are amazing! You have awesome in-laws and some serious talent! :)

  9. SUPER CUTE! :)) Im loving the cornice! So creative!

  10. Happy nursery, just what I would expect from you. And that pink dresser. OMG...... if I was back in the baby making stages I would so make myself one exactly like that. I love it.


  11. This room is stunning and I so love your mix of colours bright and pastel. It is so lovely. I know what you mean about renovating before blogging. I redid my whole house before I started. What a waste.

  12. Amazing! I love the variety of colors, pinks, hot pinks, coral, orange, but it all goes together so well and plays off of the soft aqua walls. So pretty!


  13. Loooooooooooooooooo (I could keep going) ve!!!!

    You did such a fantastically awesome job, Emily!

    Seriously, love every detail and can totally relate to the, "What was I thinking decorating a room without documenting it properly just in case someday I got the crazy itch to blog!" feeling. : )

  14. What a beautiful nursery! I love it all... thank you so much for visiting my party!

  15. What an amazing room! I have been pinning nursery stuff this week and can't wait to add yours! I especially love that window treatment.

  16. This nursery is completely adorable! Love all the colors you chose! Esp love the pink Behr paint...I know just what I want to paint for my little girl's pink/brown room!

  17. OH WOW WOW and WOW! That has to be the cutest nursery ever!! You did a fabulous job!!! Now can you come over to my house and do my room for me and I'm ok with it looking exactly like your daughter's! :D

  18. BTW shared this on my FB page and pinned it:D

  19. Holy tamoly!! This is the cutest stinking room ever. Who'da ever thought to make a window treatment like tha? Oh, that' be Emily! And we are such kindred fabric sisters. All that bedding fabric is my pink dining room fabric. Love it. Love it!

  20. This is just ADORABLE!! Would love it if you would link this up at my turquoise lovin' party!!

  21. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!! Everything is so cute! I am visiting form the HOH link party and I am a new follower. I blog over at check us out when you get a chance!

  22. Ohhhhh Myyyyyy Worrrrd! This is the cutest nursery ever! You are so talented!

  23. What a pretty pretty room! I found you through 36th Ave and am so happy I did!

    I'd love for you to link up to my party:

    Can't wait to look more through your blog. I'm your newest follower!

  24. Wow! Just wow! I love this colorful nursery. Great job! I'm curious, though, about the 3D wall flowers on the gallery wall. Do you remember where you purchased those? Please, please, email me if you do: Our girls are now rooming together and I'm making some updates to the room and would love to put a few of them on the walls. Thank you so much! XOXO Laura at Oh, and I'm your newest follower :-)

    1. I want to know about those flowers, too!

    2. The iron flowers were purchased at hobby lobby in late 2010- when they rolled out their spring line that year. I wish I has better news, but I haven't seen them since!! Perhaps they'll have something similar this year? It's worth a look, at least. Good luck!!

  25. Gorgeous! Emily, this is really adorable! If you had even only used some of your ideas, it still would be one of the prettiest nurseries (well, let's cut to the chase - THE PRETTIEST NURSERY) I have ever seen! -Anja

  26. What a beautiful nursery!! I love how the colors are understated and not screaming GIRLY yet it looks so feminine. Lovely!!

  27. Oh my...I love it...:) so many beautiful details...xo

  28. This is beautiful! I love all the handmade touches. Gives me a few ideas for my baby's nursery. :)

  29. Love this!! How did you do the changing table?

    1. Thank you!! I actually purchased the changing table just like it is!! It was $100 at an antique store. But, if I were to guess, I'd say the owner took a brown dresser and painted it with 2 coats of light pink acrylic paint, sanded it and then added a walnut/mid brown glaze. But, again, that's just a guess!! :)

  30. I'd love to know, about the window treatment. What did you attach the "flowers" to? I love this room, it has given me so many great ideas :) Thank you for sharing :)

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      My FIL helped me with the flower window treatment. He built a cornice-type structure out of 2x4s and then mounted the flowers to that. The flowers were cut with a jigsaw out of MDF and then covered in paper. Does that make sense?? I wish I blogged back then- I would have photographed the process! :)

      Thanks for your question!

  31. Where is your glider/chair from? Did you purchase it as is or cover it? I'm trying to find a glider just like that in my price range! Thanks! The nursery is beautiful!

    1. Kristi, I'm so sorry I'm just now responding. I found several comments in my spam comment folder today. I'm not sure why this went to spam. But, anyway, the chair was purchased at a (now closed!) baby store in Dallas called Lone Star Baby. The brand is called Best. You might google it and see where else they sell that brand. We've LOVED it! It's a glider/recliner and we got to pick from an entire book of fabric choices. We chose something neutral in case baby number 2 is a boy (if there ever is a baby number 2!) :). Hope that helps!

  32. Just darling! I love your style :)

  33. I love the dresser! Did you paint and antique that yourself? I'd love to know what color that is and any tips on creating it you have to offer. Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much! I actually bought it at an antique store exactly as-is! It was $100 and I couldn't pass it up. I think it's the perfect color pink, but unfortunately, I don't know what that color is... Sorry!!

  34. Do you remember what the paint color you used on the walls?

    1. Hi Emily!

      The paint is by Behr. It's called valley mist.

      Thanks for stopping by!!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Gorgeous! You did an AWESOME job on this room! I luv it! Where ever did you get that fantastic crib? And how has it held up over time? We have 3 boys and im finally having our baby girl in may. So excited!!!

    1. Thanks so much!! The crib was a craigslist find. I got SO lucky-- I love it! I do know they have beautiful iron cribs at Restoration Hardware (they cost a pretty penny, though!). The crib has held up beautiful. Not a single scratch in the paint :)

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