
May 15, 2012

Banana Cookie Bars & Nutella Buttercream Icing

Last month, I did a guest post for Chef-in-Training and today I'm sharing the recipe with you! This yumminess was inspired by one of my favorite flavor combos: Bananas and Nutella. Delicious! I adapted this recipe from a basic sugar cookie bar and added my own icing. 

Banana Cookie Bars with Nutella Buttercream Icing

5 Cups Flour
2 sticks of butter; softened
1 1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 medium, ripe bananas; mashed 

Cream butter and sugars. Add egg, beat well and then add banana and vanilla. In a separate bowl, combine flour, salt and baking soda. Slowly add the dry mixture to the wet mixture, using the lowest speed on your mixer. 

Place parchment paper in a 9x13 pan and spread mixture evenly over pan. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 25-35 minutes, removing when the center sets. 

1/2 one 13 ounce jar of nutella brand hazelnut spread
1 stick of butter, softened
2 cups of powdered sugar
1/4 cup of milk (more or less to reach desired consistency)

Cream butter with nutella and then slowly add the powdered sugar. Add milk slowly, until desired consistency is reached. 

Can I be honest? When I make dessert to serve at a party, my first thought is always on presentation. I like to serve easily displayed, easily grabbed, easily eaten desserts. In the past, when I've sliced up a batch of iced cookie bars, though tasty, they always ended up...disheveled. (If you know what I mean). So, when I made this cookie bar, I cut them up BEFORE icing them. Radical, I know.

The result? Yummy banana cookie bars with perfectly placed Nutella buttercream icing! 

What's your favorite way to eat nutella??

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  1. Now that look delicious!!!! Thanks for sharing Cheers SpecialK

  2. Amazing!! For someone who keeps insisting they are not a "baker" you sure do some amazing things. :)

  3. oh my goodness girl - these look AMAAAAZZZIINNGG! I'm a Pinner Pro for Better Homes & Gardens on Pinterest and have pinned your recipe here:

    on this board:


  4. I really must learn my lesson and stop reading blogs while hungry. Forget that stinky Weight Watchers frozen meal beeping at me from the microwave ...



  5. Totally drooling! I eat Nutella any way I can!

  6. Oh my, I'm in love...I have to try these. Totally Pin-worthy!

  7. This looks so tasty!!! You really can't go wrong when bananas and Nutella are involved. And you're completely right -- these would be so handy to bring to a party. Love these!

  8. These look amazing, Emily! My kids are addicted to Nutella and I always have over-ripe bananas. This is a match made in heaven!!

  9. DID SOMEONE SAY NUTELLA??? Oh my gosh I am making these and soon...... have a fab day, ~ Renae

  10. Oh these look delectable!!! I love Nutella... pinning these now!

  11. Yum - Nutella!! Oh how I love it so - but my girls are allergic to tree nuts!! (oh well, I can make it for me)!

  12. I love nutella. When we were in Paris, they make fresh crepes with Nutella and bananas... it's a hot mess, but oh so good! These are beautiful and look delicious.

  13. I'm sorry, but the nutella icing is too cruel to show online without offering a real taste! I've recently rediscovered my love for nutella, and I have to stay away or I'll eat an entire jar in a day:)


  14. Those look beautiful and sooo delicious!! Do you know -- I have never had Nutella! :-0

  15. These look super yummy!! My fave way to eat Nutella is by dipping strawberries in it!! :)
