
April 11, 2012

Thursdays Are YOUR Days, Vol 14

Are you ready to party?? I know I am!! I can't wait to see what you've been up to! I've spent that last 5 days at my parent's house, spending time with my little brother and sister-in-law (visiting from Vincenza, Italy!) and my extended family. It's been a wonderful getaway! But, now I'm ready to get inspired by your creativity!

Before we hop to today's party, I wanted to talk to my fellow Texas bloggers for a minute. Kelley from The Grant Life has started a blog for Texans to stay connected. If that's you, go link up your blog to the Texas region in which you hang yer saddle. See the Texas Blogger button on my sidebar? You can follow that link to the fun!

 This week on 52 Mantels:

I took a long weekend to celebrate Easter with my family.

On Monday, I gave my mom's mantel a fresh, flowery makeover using flowers from her pretty garden!

And, on Tuesday I shared the tutorial for an easy-sneezy art project using packaging tape!

Plus, I showed you some awesome features {all about parties!!} from LAST week's party!

And, what about you?? Link up your recent projects so we can admire!
1) If you aren't following 52 Mantels, please do so!
2) This is a party, so mix and mingle. Please check out some of your fellow party-goers!
3) Grab my button and put it in your post, on your blog or just add a text link back to 52 Mantels!
4) Feel free to link up as many posts as you'd like

52 Mantels


  1. Thanks for hosting Emily! I love your new profile picture and your family pics are SUPER CUTE! I'm loving that mantel, too! You are so good at making spaces pretty!!!

    XO, Aimee

  2. Your daughter's Easter dress was beautiful! Thanks so much for hosting.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting, Emily! I hope you have a great Thursday!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting Emily! Your pics from Easter are adorable. And I'm loving that packing tape art...I'm totally pinning it.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I love your Easter pics, your little girl is so precious!

  6. Emily, what great photos! Your daughter is just beautiful! Thanks so much for hosting this great party!

  7. Look at the smile on that little princess!


  8. Your daughter, as always, is ah-dorable, Emily!

    We were ridiculously low-key for Easter and didn't even get a single family shot (lame, I know), but yours are great!

    Thanks for the great party (I'm loving your packaging tape craft...who knew? So cute!)

  9. Cute Easter pics. Love the sweet Easter dress =) Great projects and I love those flowers on the last mantel.

    Thanks for hosting. I added your pretty button to my blog!

  10. Your daughter is just a doll! What a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Thanks also for hosting and letting us share.
    Love ya, cute mom!

  11. Thank you for hosting! I am brand new to your blog!

    Your little girl is precious!

    I love that mantle you did! Gorgeous gorgeous!

  12. Hi Emily! Thanks so much for hosting! Your daughter is a doll! Have a great week!

  13. Thanks so much for hosting Emily!

  14. Mucho gracias for hosting, sweet friend :) Love your family pic. You're the cutest. We need to skype again soon!! Hugs.

  15. Thanks for hosting and the heads up about the TX bloggers site. Can't wait to add my blog to the San Antonio group. :)

  16. Thanks a million for hosting... Happy Thursday!

  17. I am so excited to be linking up to your party for the first time!! What a great site you following via GFC. Have a great weekend!


  18. Thank you so much for hosting your great party!

  19. Thanks for hosting! Love your party! :)

  20. I am new to your party and am your latest follower. Thanks for hosting. Hope you will stop by.

  21. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following me. I have shared my Baby Jacket Tutorial. I am excited to come back next week.

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