
April 16, 2012

Mantel Monday + A Challenge!

Oh for heaven's sake, is it Mantel Monday again already?! I'm kind of in a mantel funk, people. A big, ol' mantel funk. It's kind of fun to whip out some holiday mantels. But, these in between mantels? These (yet another) Spring mantels?

Well, if I have to type "Spring blah-blah-yada-yada Mantel" one more time. Let's just say it won't be pretty.

So, this mantel is NOT Spring themed. It's not April Showers Bring May Flowers or Bright and Airy or Fresh and Fun or...anything at all to do with Spring.

This mantel just is. Can't a mantel just be? Does a mantel always have to claim a theme? Denote a season? Celebrate a holiday? Can't a mantel just have one of those ponytail, yoga pants, leave me to my soaps, days?

Well, here you go. Here is our random mantel. Circles. Earth. Mirrors. I'm sure it all means something. But, I haven't the slightest as to what.

I will say, this mantel is looking pretty good for a themeless, ponytailed mantel. Don't you agree? (Just don't tell him he looks almost Springy with the yellow and green color palette!)

What's that? Oh yes! I did mention a challenge...

My friend over at Bliss Ranch suggested, (quite possibly as a joke, because she's quite the kidder) that I let my readers decide a mantel theme (100% paper? reclaimed wood? incredible edibles?) and then I decorate accordingly. And (kidding or not bygolly) I'm doing it!

SO, for the next week, feel free to leave your suggested themes in the comment section and I will sort through them, create a poll and ask for your official vote next Monday. Then, I'll set a date to reveal my mantel (I'll probably do it in mid May, but don't hold me to that just yet!). And, I'll even give your mantel a chance to get in on the action. So, stay tuned for more details! 

PS. There are some super-duper awesome mantels linked up at our ONGOING mantel link party! Go check them out! 

(Like what you see? Follow 52 Mantels!)
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Yep! I link up! 


  1. I am suggesting a mantle based on a classic movie, like "Animal House." Just slap pudding blobs on the wall and tip over empthy beer bottles. In less than five minutes, you're done!
    (And I like your mantle above. It reminds me of the solar system, which totally rocks. I mean, who has a solar system mantle? Only you.)

  2. Replies
    1. style="text-align:right" طرح ها بسیار جدید و زیباست

  3. Because of you I have been inspired to change my mantel all the time!!! So I think that you are allowed to have a mantel funk and by golly, if your mantel is as beautiful 'in a funk one' as the one above, then I think it's safe to say that you still rock :D

    How about a mantel that incorporates out earth, wind, fire-outdoor elements?

    1. style="text-align:right" طرح ها بسیار جدید و زیبا

  4. Holy schmidt, as I was reading I wasn't expecting to see my name in lights! That is twice it happened this morning. And I am laughing. But I was laughing at your mantel funk anyway. I've been in a mantel funk for 20 years till I discovered you in January. And Kirby, I think after a son's not allowed party I had that mantel you describe.

    Putting my thinking cap on now for your mantel challenge, but I'll say Earth Wind and Fire is pretty darn clever.


  5. If this mantle is a product of a "funk" well then...I want to be a a "funk" too!! Its great, Emily!

    My blog post today was a sunburst mirror mantle, lol, so it "sunny themed":)

    Oh, yeah, ok so the Challenge...a mantle decorated with popcisle sticks! lol Up for it?!

    1. style="text-align:right" طرح ها بسیار جدید و زیبا

  6. LOVING this mantel! Be in a funk more often!!

  7. oh my goodness I love this mantel, I know you think you are in a mantle funk butttt I adore this "themeless ponytailed mantel"!!! And I LOVE the idea of asking readers for ideas for a mantel.... now you have me thinking! I will try to come up with something clever! Are you going to do something special for Mother's day? Anyways,hope you are having a great day!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

    1. style="text-align:right" طرح ها بسیار جدید و زیبا
      فرش های ارزان قیمت

  8. Well, like everyone said...if you're in a mantel funk, I'd like to be there too. :) My mantle hasn't changed in awhile, and it needs some inspiration. You're still a creative genius in my book!!

  9. Seriously? I think this one is the best yet. Love the colors on the big mirror. How did you get that top mirror to "float"?

    I vote for the "Animal House" theme. Only because I know you'd make it look classy!

  10. Emily,

    What a fun challenge! I love the paper idea. With all the cute papers and typography....that should be fun!


  11. I love this look! And I want to see an animal theme... :)

  12. Vintage Travel Trailer. Check out my Pinterest board. Aquas and red gingham checks....
    Love the circle theme.

  13. I always love your mantles--theme or themeless! Theme ideas: Paper, frames, all organic, candy...not Animal House, but animal prints!

  14. What a cute hodgepodge, love it! I would love for you to share this (and any other creations) at Pin It & Win It Wednesday (open now!) at!

  15. This mantel is wonderful! I love the colors, and who doesn't love a yoga pants day anyway?!

    1. style="text-align:right" طرح ها بسیار جدید و زیبا فرش های ارزان قیمت

  16. It might be themed-less... but it all looks great together!!

    Thanks so much for sharing at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  17. ok, so you have a globe here...but i was thinking about what i'm passionate about that might denote a theme, and i came up with...TRAVEL. that could be interpreted a million different ways, but i think could be TOTALLY fun!

    are you going to tell us what wins before you post? if so, i think it would be fun to challenge us to the same theme?? i don't know, just a thought because i need to update my "mantel" too!!

    always xo,

  18. Replies
    1. style="text-align:right" طرح ها بسیار جدید و زیبا href=""> فرش های ارزان قیمت

  19. افضل شركه غسيل مكيفات بالرياض
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    تنظيف شقق
    تنظيف منازل بالرياض
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    شركه غيل مكيفات بالرياض

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