
January 2, 2012

Happy 2012 Mantel!

2012. Can you believe it? Weren't we supposed to have hovercrafts by now?

Remember Y2K? That was 12 years ago. Remember when 'N Sync took a "short break"? That was 10 years ago.

Sheesh. 2012. 

Okay, I'm over it. Here's your mantel. Happy Mantel Monday

Don't you think every Mantel Monday should have candlelight?

Did you know you can write on ceramic with dry erase markers? Maybe I'm late to the game, but that info rocked my world.

My 3 disco balls are ornaments from my Christmas tree. Perfect for a New Year Mantel, don't you think?

Why are there so many questions this Mantel Monday? Don't worry. You aren't being graded on your answers.

Happy 2012!!



  1. I didn't know about the dry erase markers & ceramic either!
    Thanks For sharing!!!

  2. Looks Great!! I just started following you. I don't have a mantel. I have a ledge by our front door that is usually bare but I was thinking of decorating it once in a while. I need to start looking at stuff around my house and see what I can do.

  3. Fun post! Love your blog. Happy 2012!

  4. I like that wreath! It would have matched my "icy crystal" theme for the holidays nicely!

    I like the varying heights and items used to display the disco balls.

  5. Great mantel! Love the sparkle. Makes me sorry I got rid of my icy wreath last year. :(

  6. Beautiful! And I didn't know about writing on ceramic with dry erase markers so thanks for that wonderful tip.

  7. I must be late to the game as well.... awesome piece of info!! Luv Luv the mantel.... you know I luv me some bling!! And just where are those hovercrafts btw?!?

  8. Beautiful! And no I didn't know that about dry erasers. Happy New Year!

  9. Love the new mantle! Your ice wreath matchs the ice trees I used on my "faux" mantle! And I didn't know about the dry erase markers either !

  10. I love your New Years mantel! So fresh and festive! I just found your blog through Debbie's blog.

  11. your blog is amazing! following you from Debbie's party, love for you to stop by my blog!!

  12. Hi Emily thanks for stopping by my blog and following and leaving lovely comments. Following you back - can't wait to see more mantles as I love them too !

  13. Hi there! Great blog you've got! I'm now your newest follower! So glad that I found you! Would love to see you over at my place too!
    Love, Olga

  14. Beautiful! great tip about the ceramic and dry erase markers!

    Lindsey Turner

  15. What a pretty mantel ... especially the wreath. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following you back.

  16. Hey Emily so glad you stopped by Cottage-Wishes, I love your mantels. I am a new follower. Di

  17. I love this mantel! I wish I had some disco balls...

  18. So pretty! Disco balls are so timeless when used the right way! I LOVE it!

  19. Your mantel looks great and is so festive. It is a great transition from all the Christmas decor.


  20. Gorgeous as always!! Thanks so much for linking up!

  21. I wish I had a bigger mantle to do fun stuff like that! Pretty love it! Great blog!

  22. LOVE IT! Can't wait to see more!

  23. The sparkly mirror balls are my favorite touch.

  24. Love your mantle - so white and sparkly and perfect for 2012! Visiting from TT&J...

  25. I love this idea of fresh decor each week!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Pin'Inspiration Thursday last week. Hope to see you back again this week :-)

  26. Darling- love the bling :) Thanks for linking up at FNF!:)

  27. Such a great idea! Thank you for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday. We would love to have you come back next Saturday and share more of your incredible ideas. -The Sisters

  28. I love your mantels! My husband and I have just moved into our first home and Im trying to get in idea of what the basic pieces are gonna be to work around. But my main question is how did you make the crystal wreath? Im sure somewhere you told how you made it but I couldnt find it. Im so sorry!

    1. Thanks, Brooke! I've actually had the wreath for YEARS! Every year I think it won't survive another, but it keeps holding up. I purchased it at Walmart...probably 7 years ago. Not much help now, I'm afraid! ;)

      Thanks again!
