
January 9, 2012

An Icy Winter Mantel (despite the not-so-cold weather!)

Happy Mantel Monday, friends! Today's mantel is fooling you into thinking we're experiencing some cold weather in Texas. Not so, at all. In fact, Saturday brought us temperatures in the 70s. But, I vow to decorate my mantel for the season and refrain from all touches of Springtime decor until the calendar tells me it's appropriate.  

Icicles? Check! Snowflakes? Check! Giant 3 foot wreath, antique mirror and round mirror? Check, check and check!

Yep, it's all there.  I just love the mixture of textures and shapes. Don't you?

Oh, you'd like proof of our mild weather? Okay.

Exhibit A: My lil' punkin enjoying one of her Christmas gifts from my parents. Short sleeves and outdoor swingin'. How much more proof do you need?!

(oh, those happy blue eyes and tiny-toothed smile just slay this momma. I wish we could swing every day!)

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  1. It looks wonderful and wintry! We haven't had snow here yet and I am so looking forward to the first snow but I am enjoying not having the crazy cold temps yet too....and your daughter is just beautiful!

  2. This mantel is great. It's perfect for winter, even if the weather doesn't seem as though it is. Your daughter is a doll!

  3. I know Texas weather is much more mild than ours here in Alabama, but it's been pretty warm here as well! We did have unusual snowfall last year, however! We would like to have at least a little this year, but I doubt it's going to happen! Your mantel is gorgeous! Blessings from Bama!

  4. Love the mantel! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following! I'm following you back now. :)

  5. Love the Mantel, what great inspiration!
    And your daughter is just adorable!

  6. Love the layering effect with the different elements, mixing naturals too. The pop of white is like icing on your ICE. lol

  7. Your daughter is so cute and I'm jealous of your weather!

  8. Love it! I am with you, I refuse to do spring in January!!

  9. Even though we are having spring like weather here in Minnesota, I'm not decorating for spring yet either. I love the layering on your mantel.
    Your little girl is adorable.
    Barb - formerly Barb and Dell Designs

  10. Super cute and creative! We are having spring weather too, so weird, winter never came. I'm following your blog now! Hope you have a great day! Deanna

  11. How totally breathtaking!!! I just became a follower on here and Twitter...AND your daughter is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  12. I know, right! The weather was perfect!!! I LOVE your mantle sweet friend!!! I don't know how you can come up with so many creative ideas, but everytime I'm like, oh my goodness, I totally LOVE that!!! You are always full of inspiration!!!! And your little girl is just DARLING!!! XO, Aimee

  13. I like the grapevine with the snowflakes--- pretty!!! thanks again for your lovely comment @ summit st! :)

  14. I'm definitely loving the warmer temperatures. We had one little snow and that has been it. Your winter mantel looks great though!

  15. Ohh.. how I hate Texas weather. It messes with your head.. you think since its January you should be bundled up and inside. And then its 78 and your sweating.

    But your mantel is very wintery.. and your punkin makes me smile. Love little toothy grins like hers! Little man has four teeth and I try to make him laugh and smile just so I can see those tooths. :)

  16. I'm visiting for the first time. Happy to have found you. You created a very pretty look for your mantle, especially having to use your imagination due to the lack of cold weather. I really like the different shapes, sizes and textures of all the elements. If you are interested, you can show it or anything home related at my party which ends Thursday night. Would love to have you.-------- Shannon

  17. Cute mantel!! Ahh, I wish I had one to decorate lol. I use the tops of furniture instead. Great job! :)

  18. Beautiful! I found you via Thrifty Thursday and am a new follower. I have a new meme called Thematic Thursday and this week's theme is Winter/Snow. I'd love to see this post linked up. Find Thematic Thursday here.

  19. I love your mantel and will be featuring it for my newbie recap!

  20. Love your winter mantel. I saw you featured over at Debbie's and had to stop by. Hope you will come by and say hi.

  21. Saw your beautiful wreath at Debbies and had to drop by...very cool I was just wondering what to do, hate putting all the stuff away but now I know how to salvage some of the cool stuff and not have it be Christmas but winter, thanks so much for that!

  22. A pretty frosty mantel. Love the combination of squares with circles and the layers.
    ~ Julie

  23. Your mantel looks great. I love the wreaths. The temps have been unusually high here, too. We are having more of a taste of winter today.


  24. So so pretty! And your model is so precious! I have a party on Fridays. I would love if you linked up!

  25. This is my first visit too, and I think your idea of 53 mantels is so clever! This one with the snowflakes is really beautiful. I LOVE snowflakes for Christmas time decor and didn't think about it for general winter. I'm in Calif. and our temps are in the 70's right now too. Just took a walk in my capris and a t-shirt!

  26. just beautiful. perfect! thank you so much for the winter inspiration!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  27. Friend.. thank you for linking this up to my Friday party.. you are awesome!

  28. Love love love! I am pinning it right now!
    Camille @ SixSistersStuff
    PS Thanks for linking up to our party! We would love to have you come link up again tomorrow!


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