
December 5, 2011

A Tale of Two Mantels.

Hey, Mantel Monday, it's so good to see you again!

Today I've got double the mantel for double the pleasure. What a most excellent Mantel Monday this will be, don'tcha think? 


Love. Joy. Peace. Mantel. 

I wish I had a yardstick on this mantel so you could fully appreciate the scale of this wreath. I'm going to guess it to be around 3 feet in diameter. But, I'm way too lazy to fact-check that, folks. All I can say is that it's beautifully large and very much in charge. 

I paired this mega-wreath with an equally tall Christmas tree, which you may remember from last week's mantel. And, of course, there's that Anthro inspired paper tree again. 

This mantel makes me happy. So, very happy. I love the aqua, red, white and brown and I, very much, wish I had room in my budget to decorate (as in, buy all new everything) my Christmas tree to match this mantel.

But, I shan't succumb to wants and wishes. Not when I happen to already have a whole lot of love. joy. peace. And, a pretty mantel, to boot.

Now, brace yourself, because Mantel Monday is about to get a little crazy. As in, two mantels in one week, crazy.

I just couldn't help myself. It all started when my mother-in-law gifted me a pile of beautiful, pine branches. Oh my, they smell like Christmas! So, of course I had to pile them up on my mantel. Which meant I got to shake things up and switch things around.

You know I love shakin' and switchin'.

I call this my John 14:27 mantel. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

This mantel is so clean and simple. I'm kind of in love (don't tell it I say that about all the mantels). Wouldn't this be pretty with some candlelight? It's kind of begging for it, in my opinion. But, darn if I could find my tall taper candles.

Do you like my PEACE chalkboard ornaments? I'm totally going to tutorial those tomorrow. So, you should go ahead and come back.

If I had to choose two words to place Christmas inside, I think I would choose Joy and Peace.

What would you choose?

Family? Love? Hope? Remembrance? Promise? Life? Magic? Celebration?

Mmmm...I wish you could smell how down-right Christmasy my house is. The hubs and I were so inspired by the wonderful freshness of our mantel (which pairs well with the artificiality of our tree) that we went out and bought fresh garland for our front porch.

We're so fresh. 

Don't forget about our week-long Christmas party! Go check out what's happenin' @ The Girl Creative. 

 Creating Christmas at The Girl Creative



  1. I, too, am sooooo in love with these mantels! And I love the idea of using the phrase "I give you" -- what a wonderful way to remember such awesome words from Jesus! I'll be thinking of those words now all morning as I face my sixth- and seventh-graders at the School House!


  2. Ps.. your kinda famous now! I love that TT&J featured your mantels! Just dont forget us little people friend ;)

  3. Emily, This post is like eye candy for me and all you readers. We don't want it to end! You make everything spectacular!!!

    XO, Aimee from

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